Monday, April 2, 2012

Website and Projects Update

As many of you know, I have been trying to complete my crochet website so that I may be able to set customized afghans and accessories.  However, it is taking a lot more time that I had originally anticipated.  I have the majority of my afghans uploaded with their information.  Now I am focusing on getting the yarn options pages completed, as well as figuring out my order forms. 

My dilemma with the order forms is how can I make it as user friendly as possible.  I am working with my mom, who is fantastic with Excel, to create a form that will have all the options within the form in drop down menus.  This way you do not have to type everything you want into the form.  I am also going to have it automatically calculate totals with shipping and the deposit amount required for the items being purchased.  Who would have thought it could get so complicated?

Anyways, the website is well on its way to getting finished.  I just need to have a computer to use to work on it.  (My laptop is at the store getting diagnostics ran because it randomly turned off yesterday and had a hint of a burning smell to it.  It turned back on, but they are checking it out to see what happened and if they can keep if from happening again.)

As far as my current projects, I have completed all 42 starter centers for my granny square afghan, the most tedious part of the whole project.  Now I am working on completing all 7 of square A, and I will work from there.  I also started the Mickey Mouse baby blanket last week.  Since it is all single crochet, it will take a lot of time and yarn.  One skein complete 11.5 rows and took me a few hours (granted there were several disturbances between since I was hall monitor for state testing).  I will post pictures some time this week when I am not working.

Well, I have to get back to things.  Have a good day!

<3 Stephanie